Te Ara Tatauranga - Statistics Consulting
We provide expert statistical advice and support to postgraduate students and staff within the University and to external organisations.
Te Ara Tatauranga - The Statistics Consulting Group at the University of Waikato operates as part of the School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences.
Services provided
We provide general support on a variety of statistical and data related aspects. We also have mathematical modelling consultants. Our services include but are not limited to:
- Experimental and survey design
- Data cleaning and management
- Statistical data analysis and data visualisations
- Assistance with statistical software and programming
- Advice on data ethics and Māori data sovereignty
- Mathematical modelling
- Numerical and computational methods
Our services and support are currently free for up to 4 hours per year for postgraduate students and staff at the University of Waikato. If additional hours are necessary, flexible arrangements will be made on a case by case basis. For projects external to the University, standard University of Waikato external consultancy fees will be charged. The consultant will provide a cost estimate and agreement before any work begins.
Appointments and enquiries
To make an initial appointment to see a member of the team, or for any other enquiries, please email statsconsulting@waikato.ac.nz and we will respond as soon as we can.
The team
The team is made up of statistical and mathematical consultants. Based upon your project needs you will be matched with the most appropriate team member. All members of the team will be suitable for most projects.
Statistical Consultants

Programme Leader Data Analytics Group

Senior Lecturer

Mathematical Consultants

Deputy Head of School, Associate Professor

Teaching Fellow

Professor, Programme Lead