Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei ātea e whāki i te whakaaro, e whai i te whakaaro, e whanake i te whakaaro, ko te raraunga Māori te kaupapa.
Whāki will be an interactive space for presentations, Q&A's, and debates about tikanga in technology, and rangatiratanga in digital domains.
Mā te rongo, ka mohio; Mā te mohio; ka marama; Mā te marama, ka mātau, Mā te mātau ka ora.
Whāki webinar Tīhema - Forecasting international mechanisms for benefit sharing & DSI
About this webinar: The final Whāki webinar of 2024 was held on Tuesday 3rd December. KatieLee Riddle and Manu Caddie joined Natalie Kusabs to share their insights from the recent UN COP16 of the CBD in Cali, Colombia with regards to the interests of Indigenous people in the genetic Digital Sequence Information (DSI) of their natural resources and taonga.

Whāki webinar for Noema - Police delivery and Māori data
About this webinar: The Whāki webinar for Whiringa-ā-rangi with Dr Paul Brown discussed some of the findings from the Understanding Policing Delivery project. This project investigated whether, and to what extent systemic bias exists in policing services in Aotearoa NZ. This included results from the Data Stocktake and Gaps Analysis report, which looked at the wider data ecosystem of NZ Police, the gaps in demographic data, and the treatment of Māori data.

Whāki webinar Oketopa: Whānau and Iwi AI
About this webinar: A kōrerorero was held on research from the Tikanga in Technology team regarding whānau and iwi perspectives for the design on next generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. Natalie Kusabs (Te Kotahi Research Institute) facilitated a webinar with Petera Hudson (Tikanga in Technology Scholar) presenting the Nukutere Model he has developed with whānau and Assoc Prof Te Taka Keegan (University of Waikato) contemplating whether AI can be appropriate to Māori and can we build it?

April 2024 Whāki Webinar - Māori Algorithmic Sovereignty
About this webinar: This month's Whāki webinar was facilitated by Associate Professor Te Taka Keegan who facilitated a discussion with his fellow Tikanga in Technology hoamahi Paul Brown, Daniel Wilson and Ben Ritchie on their rangahau into removing algorithmic bias in Aotearoa.

Te Mana Raraunga has more information on the principles of Māori Algorithmic Sovereignty and the team’s latest publication in the Data Science Journal.
Download and view the Māori Algorithmic Sovereignty presentation slides (PDF).
October 2023 Whāki Webinar - Māori Data Sovereignty and Whānau Data
About this webinar: The Whāki webinar brought together Dr Paul Brown, University of Waikato and Kaye-Maree Dunn of Making Everything Achievable and Āhau for a discussion on their approaches to Māori Data Sovereignty and the future for whānau and community data.

September 2023 Whāki Webinar - e-DNA Exploring Māori Data Governance and Sovereignty
About this wānanga: The Hepetema Whāki webinar was a modified webinar/virtual wānanga on e-DNA. We heard brief presentations from a panel before shared discussions on Māori data governance and sovereignty in the developing research area. of environmental DNA (e-DNA).
The webinar was held on Wednesday 20th September for 2 hours 11am-1pm
View the edited recorded webinar and pātaitai below.

July 2023 Whāki Webinar - Māori Data Sovereignty & Taonga Species
About this webinar: Assoc Prof Maui Hudson moderated a zoom webinar and pātai session on the considerations and developments or working with iwi Māori around research and commercialisation of taonga species data in Aotearoa and tāwāhi with Manu Caddie (Matawai Bio), KatieLee Riddle and Dr Mitchell Head (Te Kotahi Research Institute, University of Waikato).

Te Mana Raraunga Ngahuru Pōtiki Virtual Wānanga - Māori Data Sovereignty & the Research Data Landscape in Aotearoa
About this wānanga: Rogena Sterling, Grace Walker, Nick Jones and Tahu Kukutai from the research team discussed the Aotearoa New Zealand (Research) Data Landscape Review. The review is a project funded by MBIE and run by the Aotearoa New Zeland National Committee on Data in Research (CoDiR). CoDiR is a newly established rōpū which brings together a diverse range of experts, communities and organisations involved in the productions, measurement, collection, storage and use of data in research ( The purpose of the project is to identify the challenges, opportunities, and initiatives which characterise Aotearoa's current an future research data ecosystem.
TMR members considered how a Te Tiriti lens could be practiced over the project and how Māori data sovereignty could be woven through the landscape. What are the opportunities and challenges for Māori in terms of the research landscape?

April 2023 - Weaving Māori Data Expertise into the Government Data System Design
About this webinar: Data is more than just zeroes and ones; data holds the mauri of people and whakapapa. So how do you design a truly equitable government data system – one that upholds Te Tiriti and meets the needs and aspirations of all in Aotearoa?

Three of our hoamahi from Nicholson Consulting - Ernestynne Walsh, Ben Ritchie and Shanara Wallace shared their experience working together with Stats NZ to improve the way the government data system works for Māori. The team discussed how they applied their expertise in Māori data sovereignty, decolonising algorithms, analysing data approaches through Te Tiriti, and te reo me ōna tikanga to deliver this piece of mahi.
March 2023 Whāki Webinar - Eco-index and environmental data
About this webinar: He kōrerorero ki ngā kaupapa taiao- An open discussion by Corey Ruha and Catherine Kirby on the Eco-Index approach to environmental wellbeing.
For background on this BioHeritage National Science programme check out Maui Hudson facilitated a discussion with Catherine and Corey about their mahi with Eco-index on Tuesday 28th March at 1pm
Thanks to our guests for the pātai and whakaaro shared. The recording can be viewed below.

January 2023 Whāki Webinar - Indigenous Rights, Benefit Sharing & DSI
About this webinar: Researchers from the Tikanga in Technology MBIE project will be discussing COP-15, indigenous data value and their recent paper on provenance metadata regarding genomics and digital sequence information (DSI). Ngā mihi to KatieLee Riddle, Tim Coltman, Jacob Golan and Maui Hudson for contributing to this kaupapa and making the presentation available.

Te Mana Raraunga Kōanga Wānanga 2022 - GIDA
About this wānanga: Te Mana Raraunga welcomed members from the Global Indigenous Data Alliance to the TMR virtual wānanga for kōanga on Tuesday 29th Nōema. Dr Steph Russo Carroll and Maui Hudson presented a set of Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Data for discussion. Natalie Kusabs from the Tikanga in Technology team facilitated questions and the potential application of the data for governance and governance of data rights was discussed as related to the Covid-19 vaccination data in break-out rooms.

October 2022 Whāki Webinar - Cyber Security Research Programme
About this webinar: Members of the Māori Advisory team from the Cyber Security Research Programme discussed the programmes objectives, challenges for Māori and the path forward. Ngā mihi to Daniel Wilson and Bridget Bell for their insights. More information, further details and links will be added from Graeme Everton and the team.

September 2022 Whāki Webinar - TK Labels: Transforming Data Infrastructure to Recognise Indigenous Provenance
About this webinar: Associate Professor Maui Hudson and KatieLee Riddle (Te Kotahi Research Institute) and Dr Janette Hamilton-Pearce (Local Contexts Project Lead, Te Kotahi Research Institute) introduced the latest developments and applications of Traditional Knowledge Labels and the Local Contexts Hub with examples of use by researchers in Aotearoa.

Te Mana Raraunga Hōtoke Wānanga 2022 - Māori Artificial Intelligence
About this wānanga: Te Mana Raraunga welcomed their members ā-kanohi to the hōtoke wānanga on Tuesday 30th - Wednesday 31st August. This Wānanga was supported by The TAIAO and Tikanga in Technology projects and facilitated by Te Taka Keegan, University of Waikato.
Day 1 focused on a workshop on AI from the AI Institute, University of Waikato and a wānanga on decolonising algorithms and the development of an assessment framework.
Day 2 began with inspiring kōrero on current uses and development of AI for Māori from:
- Kevin Shedlock, Victoria University Wellington
- Stephen Fitzherbert and Alan Tan, NIWA
- Ernestynne Walsh, Nicholson Consulting
- Puna Walker, FranklyAI
- Tūreiti Walsh and Western Wilson, Te Hiku Media MR team member Daniel Wilson hosted and facilitated questions.
The two days were completed with a wānanga on Māori data and digital sovereignty. Ngā mihi to Moka Apiti for his contribution to the kōrerorero.
View the Video Series
July 2022 Whāki Webinar - Significance of Māori Social & Economic Business Data
About this webinar: Associate Professor Jason Mika (Te Kotahi Research Institute), Geraldine Duoba (StatsNZ) and Ernestynne Walsh (Nicholson Consulting) discussed what insights from their mahi (including Tatauranga umanga Māori and Te Matapaeroa) can tell us about Māori and the the economy of Aotearoa. Unfortunately Avril Macfarlane was unable to participate but our thanks to Ernestynne for sharing her whakaaro on this kaupapa.

April 2022 Whāki Webinar - Digital Whenua - Our Image, Our Tikanga.
About this webinar: Digital images of our taonga are increasingly shared and used online. How should we proceed in this environment, what are appropriate tikanga, who is responsible for Māori data sovereignty of our visual taonga? Facilitated by Maui Hudson. Larissa Renfrew and Robert O'Brien share their mahi with digital images in research, NFTs and digital infrastructure.

March 2022 Whāki Webinar - Whitewashing health data is killing Māori
About this webinar: Whitewashing Health Data is Killing Māori - Exploring the implications of poor reporting of Māori health data. Te Taka Keegan (University of Waikato) hosted Dion O'Neale (Te Matatini o te Horapa) and Daniel Wilson (University of Auckland) introducing some of their COVID work and shared their most recent paper on population and vaccination - what does this mean for Māori?

Te Mana Raraunga Raumati Virtual Wānanga 2022 - Māori Data Sovereignty and te taiao
About this wānanga: Te Mana Raraunga welcomed their members to their second virtual wānanga on Tuesday, 22nd February. This Wānanga shared some insights relating to data sovereignty and te taiao. The speakers discussed Māori themes around availability, access, and use of environmental data. Their short presentations were followed by pātaitai & discussions in break-out rooms.
TMR team member Maui Hudson hosted and facilitated questions.

January 2022 Whāki Webinar - Principles of Safe Data Use in Practice
About the webinar: In this webinar, Nicholson Consulting shared their insight on applying principles of safe use of data.
The panel discussed their experience, tips and challenges after opening with a karakia and mihi.

November 2021 Whāki Webinar - The Veracity Lab Project
About the webinar: The Veracity Lab is a new initiative funded by the Science for Technological Innovation National Science Challenge to explore, promote and support a high integrity digital future.
The webinar outlined how Te Tiriti o Waitangi might inform the development of public digital infrastructure. The team invite broader discussion and engagement in the development of their first working paper describing Digital Whenua, Sovereignty and Rights for Aotearoa. Digital Whenua, Sovereignty and Rights for Aotearoa.

October 2021 Te Mana Raraunga Virtual Wānanga - Iwi Affiliation
About this wānanga: Te Mana Raraunga welcomed their members to their first virtual wānanga on Tuesday the 26th of October.
This Wānanga revolved around the relationship between data sovereignty and Iwi affiliation. Guest speakers from Tuhono and DataILG discussed concerns relating to government interest and collection of iwi affiliation, and strategies for how this can be addressed.
TMR team members Andrew Sporle and Lara Greaves hosted and facilitated questions.
The link to this video can be found on the Te Mana Raraunga website.
September 2021 Whāki Webinar - Tikanga in Technology
About the webinar: Tikanga in Technology is a MBIE funded research programme exploring Indigenous approaches to transforming data ecosystems with a particular focus on Indigenous data in governance, Indigenous data in systems, and Indigenous data in AI.
The research team want to understand how tikanga and mātauranga Māori can inform relational responsibilities to data, and identify tools and processes that enable ethical use and generate equitable benefits from Indigenous data.