Te Puna Haumaru | New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science

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Te Puna Haumaru New Zealand Institute for Security and Crime Science was established at the University of Waikato in 2017. Our research aims to reduce crime and increase security through multi-disciplinary, evidence-based research.

Our Māori name was gifted to us by Professor Tom Roa, who was a founding member of our Steering Group. His use of ‘puna’ is, as a noun, that of a spring, a well, or a fountain; and as a verb, to well up, to flow. The principal concept in ‘Haumaru’ is that of safety. We therefore see the Institute as a wellspring of sanctuary, through which flows the promotion, with appropriate support systems, of a safe and secure environment.

The Karakia/Tauparapara is:

Piki ake! Kake ake! Te Puna Haumaru Rise up, Soar forth Te Puna Haumaru!!
He kawa nō Tāwhaki With Tāwhaki’s protocols
Ki te angiangi pū! Into the unencumbered
He tai e Whatever the tides may bring
- ka ripiripia te tai - However fierce they may be
He tai e Whatever the tides may bring
- ka whatiwhatia te tai - However brutal
- ka whatiwhatia te tai - However brutal
He tai ea! Rise above them!
Me taiea! With distinction!
Tūturu ō whiti Your goals, your aspirations are true!
Whakamaua kia tina! Whakamaua kia tina!
Tinā Make them real!
Hui e! All together!
TAIKI E! Let it be!

Undergraduate study

Te Puna Haumaru delivers the following undergraduate subjects

Postgraduate study

Te Puna Haumaru delivers the following subject