Recent major CEREL publications.
Published Books
Barton, B., Blackwell, S., Carrington, G., Ford, R., Lawson, R., Stephenson, J., ... Williams, J. (2013). Energy Cultures: Implications for Policymakers. Centre for Sustainability.
Gillespie, A. Whaling Diplomacy: Defining Issues in International Environmental Law. (Edgar Ellen, London and New York, 2005).
Gillespie, A. Climate Change, Ozone Depletion and Air Pollution: Legal Commentaries with Science and Policy Considerations. (Brill, Netherlands, 2006).
Gillespie, A. Protected Areas and International Law. (Brill, Netherlands, 2007).
Gillespie, A. Conservation and International Law (forthcoming, 2011).
Edited Books
Bigdeli, S Z, "International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change" (co-edited volume with Thomas Cottier and Olga Nartova), 2009, Cambridge University Press
Gumley, T, Daya-Winterbottom, T (Editors) "Climate Change Law: Comparative, Contractual & Regulatory Considerations" (2009) Thomson Reuters Lawbook Co pp305
McHarg, A, Barton, B, Bradbrook, A & Godden, L. Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources. Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2010. p.1-469.
Book Chapters
Barton, B. Section One: Property Rights in Underground Resources; Chapter 1: The Common Law of Subsurface Activities. In Donald N. Zillman, Aileen McHarg, Adrian Bradbrook, and Lila Barrera-Hernandez (ed/s) The Law of Energy Underground: Understanding New Developments in Subsurface Production, Transmission, and Storage. Oxford University Press, 2014.
Barton, B. Property rights created under statute in common law legal systems. In Aileen McHarg, Barry Barton, Adrian Bradbrook, and Lee Godden (ed/s) Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources. Oxford University Press, 2010. p.80-99.
Bigdeli, S Z. "Incentive Schemes to Promote Renewables and the WTO Law of Subsidies", in Cottier, Nartova, Z. Bigdeli (Eds.), International Trade Regulation and the Mitigation of Climate Change, 2009 , Cambridge University Press
Cottier, T, Malumfashi, G, Matteotti-Berkutova, S, Nartova, O, De Sepibus, J & Bigdeli, S Z. Energy in WTO law and policy. In Thomas Cottier (ed/s) The Prospects of International Trade Regulation : From Fragmentation to Coherence. UK, Cambridge University Press, 2010. p.1-25.
Daya-Winterbottom, T "Property and Sustainability: Recurrent Themes in New Zealand Resource Management Law" in P Carruthers, S Mascher and N Skead (Editors) Property and Sustainability: Selected Essays (2011) Thomson Reuters Lawbook Co pp69-92
Daya-Winterbottom, T "New Zealand Sustainability Laws for Freshwater Management" in K Bosselmann and V Tava (Editors) Water Rights and Sustainability: New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law Monograph Series: Volume 3 (2011) New Zealand Centre for Environmental Law, Auckland pp27-49
Daya-Winterbottom, T Climate change, harmonisation, and public policy" in W Gumley and T Daya-Winterbottom (Editors) Climate Change Law: Comparative, Contractual & Regulatory Considerations (2009) Thomson Reuters Lawbook Co pp73-87
Gillespie, A. 'Rat-Catching in Sustainable Development.' In Biswas, A. (ed). Appraising Sustainable Development. (Oxford University Press, 2005). 112-156.
Gillespie, A. 'Animals, Ethics and International Law'. In S, Peters. (ed), (2009, forthcoming). Animal Law. (NSW UP, Australia). 333-350.
Gillespie, A. 'An Introduction to Ethical Considerations in International Environmental Law'. In Fitzmaurice, M. (2010). Research Handbook on International Environmental Law (Edgar Ellen, London). 117-138.
Gillespie, A. 'Energy Efficiency in International Environmental Law.' In Assensa, G. (ed). Financing Sustainable Development. (Oxford University Press) (forthcoming).
Gillespie, A. 'Ethics in International Environmental Law'. In Fitzmaurice, M. (ed), (2011, forthcoming). A Handbook on International Environmental Law (Edgar Ellen, London).
McHarg, A, Barton, B, Bradbrook, A & Godden, L. Property and the law in energy and natural resources : Introduction. In Aileen McHarg, Barry Barton, Adrian Bradbrook, and Lee Godden (ed/s) Property and the Law in Energy and Natural Resources. Oxford University Press, 2010. p.1-16.
Morse, B W. "Destroying the Canadian Arctic: A Global Crisis with Devastating Local Ramifications" co-authored with Michelle Zakrison, in Democracy, Ecological Integrity and International Law, edited by J. Ronald Engel, Laura Westra and Klaus Bosselmann (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010) at pp. 119-140.
Morse, B W. Developing legal frameworks for urban Aboriginal governance. Aboriginal Policy Research: Exploring the Urban landscape. Thompson Educational Publishing, 2010. p.3-30.
Morse, B W. "Indigenous Rights as a Mechanism to Promote Environmental Sustainability," in Reconciling Human Existence with Ecological Integrity: Science, Ethics, Economics and Law, edited by Laura Westra, Klaus Bosselmann and Richard Westra (London: Earthscan, 2008) at pp. 159-182.
Te Aho, L. Judicial creativity. In Malcolm Mulholland and Veronica Tawhai (ed/s) Weeping Waters: The Treaty of Waitangi and Constitutional Change. Huia Publishers, 2010. p.109-126.
Refereed Journal Articles
Bigdeli, S Z. "Will the 'friends of climate?' emerge in the WTO? Applying the fisheries subsidies? model to energy subsidies", Carbon and Climate Law Review, March 2008
Daya-Winterbottom, T "Sustainability, governance and water management in New Zealand" The Journal of Water Law Volume 21 (2011) pp219-231
Daya-Winterbottom, T "New Zealand Environment Court: Evolving Practice" (2011) 23 ELM pp217-224
Daya-Winterbottom, T Current Survey: New Zealand "Proposed Reforms to Resource Management Practice" [2011] 4 Env Liability ppC553-557
Daya-Winterbottom, T "Politics and biodiversity: a New Zealand perspective" [2011] 4 Env Liability pp119-133
Daya-Winterbottom, T "The prosecution of environmental offences in New Zealand" [2009] 5 Env Liability pp178-189
Gillespie, A. 'Conservation, Law and Africa in the 21st Century'. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law (2010), p.161-189.
Gillespie, A. 'The Dugong Action Plan for the South Pacific: An Evaluation Based on the Need for International and Regional Conservation of Sirenians'. Ocean Development and International Law. 36:2 (2005). 135-158.
Gillespie, A. 'The Slow From Extinction: Saving Turtles in the South Pacific'. The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law. 21: 1 (2006). 57-82.
Gillespie, A. 'Facilitating and Controlling Civil Society in International Environmental Law'. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law. 15:3 (2006) 327-338.
Gillespie, A. 'Establishing Reliable Foundations for the International Scientific Investigation of Noise Pollution in the Oceans'. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law. 15:2 (2006). 2006. 211-226.
Gillespie, A. 'The Management of Protected Areas in International Law'. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law. 10 (2006). 93-129.
Gillespie, A. 'Obligations, Gaps and Priorities Within the International Regime for Protected Areas' Georgetown International Environmental Law Review. XIX:1 (2006): 1-32.
Gillespie, A. 'The Threats to Areas of International Significance'. New Zealand Law Review. 22(3) (2007): 432-468.
Gillespie, A. The Precautionary Principle in the Twenty-First Century: A Case Study of Noise Pollution in the Ocean. International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 22 (1) (2007) 61-87.
Gillespie, A. 'The No Longer Silent Problem: Confronting Noise Pollution in the 21st Century'. XX(2) The Villanova Environmental Law Journal. (2009). 181-217.
Gillespie, A. 'Defining Areas of International Significance'. Journal or International Wildlife Law and Policy. (2009). 12 (3): 1-19.
Gillespie, A. 'Conservation, Law and Africa in the 21st Century'. New Zealand Journal of Environmental Law. 161-189.
Morse, B W. 'Anchi gli inuit hanno una voce' with Samantha Reynolds and Alison Ronson in (2008) Limes, Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica 63-72 (translated from English and also published in its original form in the special issue, The Polar Game, as "The Voice of the Inuit" in the sister online journal, Heartland at pp. 51-59.
Morse, B W. "Indigenous Peoples and Water Rights: Does the United Nations' Adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Help?" (2010) 20 Journal of Water Law (No. 5/6) 254-267.
Morse, B W. 'The Impact on the Inuit of Environmental Degradation to the Canadian Arctic' with Michelle Zakrison, (2010) 39, No. 1, Common Law World Review 48-68.
Stephenson, J, Barton, B, Carrington, G, Gnoth, D, Lawson, R & Thorsnes, P. Energy cultures: A framework for understanding energy behaviours. Energy Policy. v38, doi:10:1016/j.enpol.2010.05.069, Elsevier, 2010. p.6120-6129.