Vice-Chancellor receives Appreciation Award from Waikato Muslim Association

Professor Neil Quigley has received an award from the Waikato Muslim Association, acknowledging the University's contributions to the Muslim community.

01 Aug 2024

University of Waikato Vice-Chancellor, Professor Neil Quigley, has received an ‘Appreciation Award’ from the Waikato Muslim Association (WMA), acknowledging the University's contributions to the Muslim community.  

WMA President Mohammad Basith presenting the award to Professor Quigley.

The award ceremony, held after Friday prayers at the local Hamilton Mosque and attended by about 350 members, recognised the strong and growing bond between the two organisations.  

WMA President Mohammad Basith presented the award to Professor Quigley, who expressed his gratitude for the recognition and highlighted the meaningful relationship that has developed.  

“Our collaboration is built on mutual respect and a shared vision for the future,” Professor Quigley says.  

We are committed to continuing our work together to support educational opportunities and foster an inclusive community.  

The ceremony marks four years since the University and the WMA signed a Memorandum of Understanding aimed at facilitating various joint initiatives, including scholarships specifically designed to promote tertiary education within the Muslim community.  

Dr Ahmed Saadeh, Chair of the scholarship selection panel, says the scholarships have not only provided financial support but have also led to an increase in high-quality applications each year. 

“The award presented to Professor Quigley is a symbol of the mutual respect and shared objectives that drive our collaboration forward. It celebrates the positive impact that can be achieved when institutions and communities work towards a common goal.” 

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