Research Plan

Shaping the Future Through Research – the University's strategic plan for research excellence, focusing on areas of strength and fostering innovation and impact.

The Research Plan was developed through consultation with staff, committees and other groups and was adopted by Council in February 2022.

Responsibility for coordinating the activities necessary to deliver the plan, and for associated monitoring and reporting, rests with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research.

The Research Plan has been developed to help operationalise the Strategy and recognises that the University of Waikato is committed to a strategic goal of creating, and being known for, research outcomes that embody excellence, impact, relevance and resilience .

  1. Objective 1

    Increase recognition, internally and externally, of our world-class scholarship that reflects our place in the world, and in te ao Māori, and grow the next generation of researchers recognised for the ability to create sustainable futures through local and global leadership.

  2. Objective 2

    Determine, and recognise, the measures that reflect positive environmental,  social and economic impact, and invest in our researchers to deliver transformative  research outcome, and tell our story.

  3. Objective 3

    Grow our interdisciplinary research collaborations, both within the University and with a wide range of external parties including , but not limited to, universities, wānanga and Crown research institutes (CRIs).

  4. Objective 4

    Deepen stakeholder engagement in the co-creation of research programmes, including with iwi, Māori trusts, Pacific community organisations, industry and government.

  5. Objective 5

    Increase resourcing for research and development from external sources, that enables the University to continuously improve research, teaching and service and allow all staff to balance their contributions to the University's Strategy.