Our commitment to Māori students at WMS
It's important to us that your experience of studying here at Te Raupapa | Waikato Management School is positive and memorable.
With one in five (18%) of our students self-identifying as Māori, we are committed to offering support and opportunities for our Māori tauira to ensure their academic success and holistic wellbeing.
The Māori Student Engagement Coordinator for WMS is Maia Gardiner, who is located in the Management Student Centre (MSB.1.50). She can assist you with degree planning, study advice, and guide you towards other university services available on campus.
Maia is assisted in this role by a friendly team of Whītiki Tauira Māori student mentors. See more details about them below.

Whītiki Tauira Māori Mentors - Te Raupapa
Discover support through our Whītiki Tauira Māori Mentors in MSB.1.42. They can provide academic and pastoral support to enhance your student experience at Te Raupapa - Waikato Management School, and connect you to other services. Learn more below.
Te Pūoho ki Te Wānanga Raupapa - The Māori Mentor Hub
Te Pūoho ki Te Wānanga Raupapa - the Maori Mentors Hub for Waikato Management School - is comprised of 4-5 whītiki tauira/Māori mentors who are dedicated to supporting our Māori management students.
Our whītiki tauira have their own office inside the Management Student Centre (MSB.1.42) where they are available daily for a friendly chat.
Their role of a whītiki tauira is to engage with our Māori students through one-on-one appointments, get to know you better as a person, and help you to achieve your academic goals.
They also organise academic wānanga and whanaungatanga events, thus creating a supportive whānau-like environment for Māori students throughout their university experience.
They can also help you navigate university life, and guide you towards others university support services and Māori networks available on campus.
The whītiki tauira can help you with any issue, including:
- Study tips and tricks for group work assignments, essays, and tests
- How to balance studies and social life
- Planning and time management tips
- Joining roopu Māori and other student networks
The name Te Pūoho has been given to all of the Māori mentor hubs for each school/division across the University of Waikato campus. Te Pu means 'The Hub', and oho means 'awakening or inspiring'.

Te Ranga Ngāku - Māori management students' club
Established in 2001, Te Ranga Ngāku (TRN) is the official Māori student club for Te Raupapa | Waikato Management School. TRN provides a cultural/social whānau space for Māori management students to connect with each other over kōrero and kai.
Māori services at the University of Waikato

Māori ki Waikato
Māori ki Waikato is a group of Māori staff in the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Māori who lead and promote kaupapa Māori projects such as Kīngitanga Day, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, Māori Orientation, Te Mākete, Hākinakina Day, and much more.

Kingitanga Day
Kingitanga Day is an annual event held on campus that celebrates the unique connection of the University of Waikato with Waikato-Tainui and the Kīngitanga. You can enjoy plenty of good kai, hangi, workshops, guest lectures and cultural activities.

Te Puna Tautoko
Te Puna Tautoko is a university-wide Māori support network dedicated to improving and enhancing Māori student experience here at Waikato. They can connect you to the multitude of support services available on campus.

Te Kāhui Pīrere
Te Kāhui Pīrere is a programme dedicated to supporting tauira Māori transition into their new life and whānau at the University of Waikato.

MAI ki Waikato
MAI ki Waikato is the Waikato arm of Te Kupenga o MAI, a national network focused on supporting Māori and Indigenous PhD students. You can connect with them on their Facebook page.