The TTR is not offered in 2025.

  1. The Personal Programmes of Study Regulations apply in these regulations.


  1. Candidates for the Degree must have:
    1. qualified for admission to the University of Waikato and met any criteria set out in the Criteria for Admission to Particular Qualifications;
    2. provided evidence of te reo Māori competency by:
      1. achieving Whakamātauria Tō Reo Māori Level 3 (National Māori Language Proficiency Examinations); or
      2. undertaking all primary schooling and at least three years secondary schooling in te reo Māori; or
      3. undertaking five years of secondary schooling in te reo Māori; or
      4. other means, considered on a case by case basis; and
    3. been selected by the Division of Education as a suitable person to be a kaiako, in line with entry requirements outlined in Te Whare o Rongotauira: Māori medium Initial Teachers Education Programme Approval, Monitoring and Review Requirements.

Requirements for the Degree

  1. The normal minimum period of enrolment for completion of the Degree is three years.
  2. Candidates must enrol in the Division of Education and follow an approved programme of study.
  3. Candidates must gain 360 points at 100, 200, and 300 levels, including at least 225 points above 100 level and 75 points above 200 level.
  4. Candidates must complete the requirements of the major Toitū te Reo.
  5. To complete the requirements of the major, candidates must complete the requirements of a programme, as prescribed in the Toitū te Reo Subject Regulation.
  6. Candidates may also complete a minor by gaining 60 points in any minor subject, including at least 30 points above 100 level. Candidates must also meet any specific requirements prescribed for the minor in the relevant subject entry in the Subject Regulations.
  7. A paper completed towards the requirements of a major cannot be counted towards the requirements of another major or a minor.

Conjoint Component requirements

  1. Candidates must gain a minimum 270 points at 100, 200, and 300 levels, including at least 120 points above 100 level and 60 points above 200 level.
  2. Candidates must complete the requirement of the major, Toitū te Reo, as specified in section 6 of the TTR and TTR conjoint regulations.
  3. To complete the requirements of the major, candidates must complete the requirements of a programme, as prescribed in the Toitū te Reo Subject Regulations.


  1. The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority may vary or waive these regulations in individual cases.