The Taskforce
Embark on a journey of sustainable change with Te Aurei, the University of Waikato's long-term programme. Explore the Taskforce's report and upcoming initiatives.
The work of the Taskforce is now complete and the University of Waikato has begun a long-term programme of work, Te Aurei, to implement the recommendations of the Taskforce's report across all aspects of the University.
The final report of the Taskforce (PDF, 840KB) was unanimously accepted by the University Council at its meeting on 30 March 2021.
Learn more about Te Aurei (Te Hononga, Staff log in required)
Watch Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon present to staff, students and community at the University of Waikato Hamilton campus on Wednesday 19 November, on 'Recognising and Responding to Casual and Systemic Racism'.

- The overall purpose and approach of the Taskforce (PDF, 340KB).
- The work of this Taskforce is not something that has been tried before nationally or internationally, and it signals the beginning of a voyage towards long-term, intergenerational and sustainable change.
- To that end, members of the Taskforce have been appointed based on their relevant skills, knowledge and experience, and for the range of perspectives they bring to the challenge, rather than on a ‘representational’ basis.
- The members are:
- Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, co-chair
- Professor Alister Jones, co-chair
- Rahui Papa, appointed by King Tūheitia
- Dr Bridgette Masters-Awatere, School of Psychology
- Kyla Campbell-Kamariera, Waikato Students’ Union
- Matt Bolger, Waikato Management School
- Professor Mere Berryman, School of Education
- Dr Sayeeda Bano, School of Accounting, Finance and Economics
- Sianiti Nakabea Bulisala, Pacific Student Success
- Tania Heke, Division of Education
External Advisory Group
- The Taskforce will be supported by an external Advisory Group, bringing together national race relations and tertiary sector expertise, along with international tertiary sector expertise.
Consultation Groups
- As the Taskforce undertakes its work, staff and student Consultation Groups will be convened to ensure that a broad range of ideas contribute and respond to the plan as it develops.
Terms of Reference
- The Terms of Reference have been developed based on Council’s resolutions following the Parata Gardiner Review and are deliberately broad in nature.
- Download and read the Parata-Gardiner review.
Contributions invited
- The Taskforce invites comments and questions about any aspect of its work at any time to
- For those that may find it helpful, this matrix template is offered as a guide to assist in collating written comment.
"The Taskforce offers the University an exciting challenge and a unique opportunity globally to construct a new and different way of participating in partnership in a University setting."
- Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Taskforce co-chair
Professor Alister Jones, Taskforce co-chair