Talofa lava and warm Pacific Greetings!
Te Whare Wananga o Waikato is proud of its efforts in support of our Pacific students. Te Piringa – Faculty of Law continues to take the lead in the University of Waikato’s endeavours for our Pacific Ohana.
The Pacific Plan 2017-2020 sets out seven objectives that capture the heart of Waikato for our Pacific students.
Objective 1
Create a culture of belonging for all Pacific students, researchers and staff that nurtures success.
Objective 2
Increase the numbers of Pacific peoples participating in, and completing, tertiary study in order to increase course and qualification completion rates for Pacific students.
Objective 3
Increase the number of Pacific students progressing to study at higher levels and completing postgraduate study successfully and on time.
Objective 4
Provide curricula and pedagogies that meet the needs and expectations of domestic and international Pacific students.
Objective 5
Increase the number of Pacific graduates going on to employment, particularly in high growth, high-demand areas.
Objective 6
Attract and retain Pacific researchers, academics and general staff across all Faculties and services.
Objective 7
Build and enhance partnerships with Pacific communities and other key stakeholders beyond the University.

Pacific @ Te Piringa’s efforts and contribution to the attainment of the wider university’s goals and objectives under the Pacific Plan is reflected and implemented through strong student support through the Pacific Law Students Association – PLSA which is in fact the longest running Pacific academic association at Waikato.
There is also a Convenor of Pacific Engagement that coordinates between the students and the Faculty as well as between Te Piringa and the Pacific Office lead by the Assistant Vice Chancellor Pacific and supported by the Pacific Student Success Coordinator.