Computing & Mathematical Sciences

50 years of world-class, future-focused education and research

At the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, there are many exciting opportunities and possibilities here. We strive to inspire and challenge our students so they emerge qualified and ready for a successful and fulfilling career.

Our School is the first New Zealand member of the international group of iSchools - a partnership of the world's leading information schools.

World-class researchers and facilities underpin unique collaborations within our School, across campus, and with the wider world. These collaborations bring together creative minds, unique technologies, and degree structures tailored to your interests and skills.

We offer three and four-year degree undergraduate programmes that are based on a strong foundation in the computing and mathematical sciences.

A qualification in Computer ScienceMathematicsData AnalyticsSoftware Engineering or Design can open many doors, and our former students - both in New Zealand and overseas - are using their training to make a positive contribution to the world we live in. We are always updating our papers and qualifications to ensure they are relevant in the world’s rapidly changing technological and social environment.

If you’re thinking about studying with us, we’d love to chat about the best programme of study for you. If you’re enrolled and ready to start, a warm welcome on behalf of our team. We look forward to seeing you complete your studies and going on to achieve a fulfilling career.

Professor Annika Hinze
Head of School
School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Professor Annika Hinze

Head of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Annika Hinze is a Professor in Computer Science at the University of Waikato, and Head of the School for Computing and Mathematical Sciences (CMS). She originally studied Technical Mathematics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the Technical Universität Berlin, Germany and received her PhD in Computer Science from the Freie Universität Berli…

50 years of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences was formed in 1987, renamed the Faculty of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at the beginning of 2010, and has now returned to being called the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. As in 1987, the School has two departments - the Department of Computer Science and the Department of Mathematics.

With the formation of the School, a new four year honours degree, the Bachelor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences was offered. The School also offered the Bachelor of Science, a three year degree.

In 2002, the School started offering two additional degrees: the Bachelor of Engineering with Honours (BE(Hons)) and the Bachelor of Computer Graphic Design (BCGD). In the BE (Hons) degree, students can enrol in the Software Engineering programme. Other engineering programmes are offered by the School of Engineering. In 2018, the Bachelor of Design was introduced, replacing the BCGD. This degree has the four majors of Communication DesignIndustrial Design, Interface Design and Media Design.

In 2014 we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the internet in New Zealand - an achievement made possible in 1989 with the help of the School.

We also launched New Zealand's first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in 2013 and have introduced the country's first Cyber Security Lab and Master of Cyber Security.  In 2016, the School was accepted as a member of iSchools, making it the first iSchool in New Zealand.

Contact the School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

Physical Address

School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences
Ground Floor, FG-Block Gate 8, The University of Waikato, Hillcrest Road, Hamilton New Zealand

Postal Address

The University of Waikato
Private Bag 3105, Hamilton 3240, New Zealand.