Codes within the Division of Arts, Law, Psychology and Social Sciences

ANTHY Anthropology
APPLN Applied Linguistics
ARTSC School of Arts and School of Social Sciences core papers
ARTSW School of Arts and School of Social Sciences Work Placement papers
CHINE Chinese
CRIMN Criminology
CRSCI Crime Science
ENGLI English
ENSLA English as a Second Language
ENVPL Environmental Planning
EVSOC Environment and Society
FPSYC Forensic Psychology
GEOGY Geography
HDEVP Health Development and Policy
HISTY History
HUMRI Human Rights
INTLC International Languages and Cultures
IRSST International Relations/International Relations and Security Studies
JAPAN Japanese
KOREA Korean
LABST Labour Studies
LINGS Linguistics
MEDIA Screen and Media Studies
PHILO Philosophy
POLCY Public Policy
POLSC Political Science/Public Policy
POPST Population Studies/Demography
PSYCH Psychology
SOCIO Sociology
SOCPY Social Policy
SOCWK Social Work
SPNSH Spanish
THSTS Theatre Studies
WGSTS Women's and Gender Studies
WRITE Writing Studies

Codes within the Division of Education

ADLNG Adult Learning
COUNS Counselling
DLRNG Digital Learning
DINST Disability and Inclusion Studies
EDART Arts Education
Educational Leadership
EDSOC Education and Society
EDUCA Education
ENVED Environmental Education
GLOBE Global Studies
HMDEV Human Development
Language and Literacy Education
Māori Education
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Science, Technology and Environmental Education
Te Hononga School of Curriculum and Pedagogy papers
Te Oranga School of Human Development and Movement Studies papers
Te Whiringa School of Educational Leadership and Policy papers
Teaching conjoint papers
Teaching practicum papers
Teaching core papers

Note: Papers with the subject prefix TE are available only for students enrolled in a Faculty of Education teacher education programme.

Codes within the Division of Health

BIOMD Biomedical Sciences
CMYHE Community Health
HTHPR Health Promotion
HELTH Health
HLTSC Health Science
HPSCI Human Performance Science
HSHUP Health, Sport and Human Performance
HTHAL Healthy Active Living
NURSE Nursing
SDCOA Sport Development and Coaching

Codes within the Division of Science, Engineering and Computing

APHYS Applied Physics
AQCUL Aquaculture
AIMLX Artificial Intelligence
ENGCB Chemical and Biological Engineering
CHEMY Chemistry
ENGCV Civil Engineering
CLIMT Climate Change
COMPX Computer Science
DATAA Data Analytics
DSIGN Design
EARTH Earth Sciences
BIOEB Ecology and Biodiversity
ENGEE Electronics
ENGEN Engineering
ENGEV Environmental Engineering
ENVSC Environmental Sciences
MARIN Marine Science
ENGMP Materials and Processing
MATHS Mathematics
ENGME Mechanical Engineering
BIOMO Molecular and Cellular Biology
PHYSC Physics
SCIEN Science
STATS Statistics

Codes within the Waikato Management School

ACCTN Accounting
AGBUS Agribusiness
BUSAN Business Analytics
COMMS Communication
DIGIB Digital Business
ECONS Economics
ENTIN Entrepreneurship and Innovation
EXCOR Executive Education
EXMBA Executive Education
EXMBM Executive Education
FINAN Finance
HRMGT Human Resource Management
INMGT International Management
LCOMM Leadership Communication
LEADR Leadership
MNMGT Management
MGSUS Management and Sustainability
MGSYS Management Systems/Supply Chain Management
MRKTG Marketing
PRMGT Project Management
PUBRL Public Relations
SCMGT Supply Chain Management
SCMGT Strategic Management
THMGT Tourism and Hospitality Management

Codes within the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies

MAORI Māori and Indigenous Studies/Māori Language/Te Reo Māori
PACIS Pacific and Indigenous Studies

Codes within the University of Waikato College

CAAEN Certificate of Attainment in Academic English
CAENL Certificate of Attainment in English Language
FOUND Certificate of Attainment in Foundation Studies
FOUND Certificate of University Preparation
INDIP International Diploma

Key to Semester Codes

A Papers taught over weeks 9-25
B Papers taught over weeks 28-44
C Papers taught over weeks 46-6
X, I, J etc. Papers taught in periods which do not correspond with normal semester periods
H Papers taught over weeks 1-7
G Papers taught over weeks 46-51
D Papers taught over weeks 9-44

Key to Location Codes

AKT Ako Tauhōkai
BLK Block
BTG Block (Tauranga)
HAM Hamilton (Hillcrest campus)
HNU Hainan University, Haikou, China
HOP Hopuhopu
HWC University of Waikato College (Hamilton)
NET Internet
NTG Internet (Tauranga)
NVT National Economics University, Vietnam (Internet)
NWC University of Waikato College (Internet)
SEC Secondary School
TGA The University of Waikato at Tauranga
VTN National Economics University, Vietnam
ZUC Hangzhou City University, Hangzhou, China