2025 Academic Calendar
View the Academic calendar, the official document of record of the University of Waikato.
Important dates
University Overview and Charter
University Personnel
Delegation of Powers Statute
Vice-Chancellor's Special Powers
Admission, Enrolment and Fees
Research, Assessment and Graduation
Qualification Regulations
Schedule of Papers
General Regulations and Procedures
General Services
Research Institutes, Centres, Groups and Units
Academic, Consultancy and Service Units
Academic Calendar Archive
Important Notice
The information contained in the Calendar is correct at the time of publication. Certain information, and in particular that relating to fees, admission regulations and papers, is subject to a continuous process of review. The University therefore reserves the right to change its policies, procedures, statutes, regulations, papers and any other content of the Calendar at any time. Any alterations and amendments to the Calendar will be reflected in the web version, which is the authoritative version.
Unless specifically stated otherwise, all policies, procedures, statutes and regulations printed in the Calendar are effective from 1 January 2025 and supersede those in any prior Calendar. Matters concerning enrolment and examinations apply to the academic year for which the student is formally enrolled for the relevant paper(s).
While in most cases there are no specific time limits for completing qualifications, over the years the degree structures and papers may change in response to developments in their areas. Occasionally core papers or requirements are changed or discontinued.
Candidates will have their overall programmes of study confirmed as meeting the requirements for the award of a qualification on the basis of the relevant regulations in the Calendar in their final year of study. However, if the regulations have changed since the candidate first enrolled for the qualification, the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor or the Dean of the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, or equivalent, may decide in individual cases, under the Personal Programmes of Study Regulations and the Delegation of Powers Statute, to vary or waive particular requirements. Students who are uncertain about whether papers passed under previous regulations will meet current requirements should consult the relevant Pro Vice-Chancellor or the Dean of the Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Studies, or equivalent.
Detailed transitional regulations will be printed in the Calendar from time to time if substantial changes are made to the structure of a particular qualification.