Apply now for 2025

Start your study in February 2025 at Waikato University—now ranked 235th globally.


Why the University of Waikato?

Top 250 Universities in the world View our rankings
#1 University in New Zealand for research View our research
Flexible degree structures available View our qualifications
Work-integrated learning in all bachelor degrees About work-integrated learning

Apply to study with us

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Want to fast-track your degree, catch up or try something new? Picking up papers over summer is a great opportunity to get ahead.


Experience the vibrant student life of on-campus living while you study. Get in quick to secure your spot, applications are now open.

Conversation School Science Results

New Zealand students show improvement in science, but socioeconomic disparities persist. Year 5 results are rising, while Year 9 results are stable. A concerning gap is emerging in Year 9.

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A study aimed at supporting language development and self-regulation in early learning settings can now track its impact from early childhood education through to primary school, thanks to a multi-million-dollar boost from the Marsden Fund.

TEDx UoWaikato

Watch our captivating TEDx talks from the University's 60th anniversary celebrations—now on YouTube.

Discover these transformative talks—watch Dr Marie Magnusson describe how seaweed has the potential to revolutionise global food production.

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Waikato climbs global rankings

The University of Waikato has climbed a further 15 places to 235 in the latest 2025 QS World University Rankings, which also places it in the top three universities in New Zealand.

Contact us

Prospective students, and their families and whānau, can talk to us about study options, get support with the enrolment process, and learn more about scholarships, accommodation, student support and other services.

General enquiries

Monday–Friday 8.30am–5pm
0800 WAIKATO (0800 924 528)

International enquiries

Monday–Friday 8.30am–5pm

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