Find & Use Library Resources
We host diverse resources, including Mātangireia for Indigenous materials and O Neherā for digital content, with over a million print volumes and online resources.
Physical Resources
We offer a wide range of resources, from books and journals located on Levels 3 and 4 of the Hamilton Campus Library to a diverse selection of unique media and materials. For help with enquiries or finding and using library resources, please visit the Library Enquiries Desk on Level 2, or email
Interlibrary Loan
Book delivery, Post and Scan
Digital Resources
O Neherā
Browse or search our digital archives, featuring historical images, documents, and first-hand accounts offering unique local insights into Waikato and Aotearoa New Zealand. Includes non-digitised collection information.
Databases A-Z
A collection of databases spanning various subjects and topics essential for research and assignments. Need help navigating? Contact us for expert assistance.
Research Commons
Explore the University of Waikato's Open Access repository featuring research publications, theses, and dissertations authored by our faculty and students.
Special Collections
Teaching Resources
The Teaching Resources Library contains books and other resources to assist in preparation and planning for teaching and for use in schools and early childhood centres during teaching practice.
Nga Taonga o Māhi Māreikura
Huakina! Riariakina! Kia hahaina, kia rangahia! Open! Explore! Grasp knowledge and bring it together! The Mahi Māreikura room showcases and preserves the treasures and works of Dr. Pei te Hurinui Jones.
Discover Mātangireia
A resource hub of Māori, Pacific, Aotearoa, and Indigenous materials, guided by Kaupapa Māori values, Mātangireia supports research, teaching, learning in an inclusive environment celebrating mana whenua, cultural heritage, and traditional knowledge.
Taonga & Artworks
Nga Taonga o Mahi Māreikura
Huakina! Riariakina! Kia hahaina, kia rangahia! Open! Explore! Grasp knowledge and bring it together! The Mahi Māreikura room showcases and preserves the treasures and works of Dr. Pei te Hurinui Jones.
Nga Taonga o Te Whare Pukapuka
The University of Waikato was established in 1964 and since has become kaitiaki of many taonga, some of which are currently in the care of Te Whare Pukapuka, the Library.
University Art Collection
Holding over 600 artworks the collection consists of a broad range of contemporary art and taonga including paintings, works on paper, photography, textiles, ceramics, sculpture, whakairo and mixed media, amongst others.