• Tuesday 02 Jul 2024
  • 9am - 2.30pm
  • S Block, Hamilton Campus
  • Free

Calling all Year 12 and 13 students with a passion for Arts and Social Sciences!

Join us for a firsthand glimpse into the exciting journey of being an Arts and Social Sciences student at the University of Waikato.

You will have the opportunity to dive into informative, interactive, and insightful mini-lectures about Anthropology, Philosophy, Sociology, Criminology, International Languages and Cultures, and Arts – Theatre Studies, while also exploring our beautiful Hamilton campus!


9:00 am: Students arrive on campus and check-in at S Block foyer.

9:25 am: Welcome to the University of Waikato

9:45 am: Philosophy – Good excuses for killing people (and other things Philosophy can do for you)

10:15 am: International Languages and Cultures – Become a Global Citizen with International Languages and Cultures!

10:45 am: Arts, Theatre Studies – Making the Arts work for you

11:15 am: Guided campus tour from the Future Student team (1 hour)

12:15 pm: Lunch break (1 hour) at The Pā

1:15 pm: Anthropology

1:45 pm: Sociology and Criminology – Crime and Criminology: The mass incarceration of Māori

2:15 pm: Thank you and questions


We are looking forward to seeing you soon!